Archive for October, 2011

in time – clock design

October 5, 2011

today was a good day for interesting time keeping design.  i came across these three different time keeping devices, which have a really interesting parallelism in their features:

we know the time
the tree tells the season
industry, the hour
and with robotic precision
an instant is born

a little musing on the wonderful juxtaposition of materials and fidelity that were used in all these clocks.  also, it’s the fault of Google+ that i didn’t just share the clocks and get on with my life, since you can’t share more than one fancy link in a post.  now i had to make a big deal out of it and waste a bunch of everybody’s time.

Wooden Perpetual Calendar

Roller Chain Clockworks

Robot-Readable Wall Clock

in your brain – you are not so smart

October 5, 2011

in the spirit of both “defeat[ing] procrastination now by giving the gift of humility to everyone you know” and entering in raffles, i’d like to present you with some beautiful kinetic type on the not so beautiful topic of procrastination.  not only is this a good watch, but the new book should be a good read, and the original content on the website is incredibly enlightening.

also, if you thought that I was ass-kissing there, then you are not so smart.  and neither am i.  On with the show…

on your ebays – dead baby pictures

October 2, 2011

Sitting in the laundromat, indulging in the procrastination of this warm, Southern California afternoon, I happened upon that which I wished to share with you all many months ago.  In the spirit of not procrastinating any longer, and not feeling the need to write any more about this topic than what is already present in the article, I’ll simply share the following link with you all–a story about the trafficking of old photographs of dead children:

Ghost Babies – from BoingBoing

In the spirit of reigniting the playful and creative flame of those of people who come to read this, I’d like to open up the comments to any form of short poems that you’d like to share on this subject.  I’ll get that started…